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The Great Wildebeest Migration Spectacle In Kenya And Tanzania

The Great Wildebeest Migration is an annual natural mass movement of over 1.7 million of Wildebeests, accompanied by over 800,000 of Zebra, and smaller numbers of Grant’s gazelle, Thompson’s Gazelle, Eland and Impala. The animals are constantly moving from one location to another.

The Great Wildebeest Migration is a spontaneous natural event and the timing changes month by month; year by year, depending on the weather and when the rains start. Therefore, there can be no guarantee in advance where the annual migration will be at any specific time.

If you are in the Masai Mara you can expect the wildebeest to make their arrival as early as mid July, but they generally arrive between August & September and remain in the Masai Mara between October & November. Between the end of November and January the wildebeest gradually begin their migration from the Masai Mara back towards the Serengeti –The Great Wildebeest Migration .

The best time to go on safari and witness the event in Serengeti National Park is December to February and from May to July. In December the migrating Zebra’s begin to give birth in the northern part of the Serengeti and from late January through to about middle of March, is the Wildebeest calving season, when large herds tend to concentrate in the Southern Serengeti National Park spilling over to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. During these months, the plains with their new fresh, abundant short-grass provide the perfect feeding ground for migrating animals to stay for about 10 – 12 weeks.

The Predators such as lion, cheetah, leopard and hunting dogs with vultures circling overhead, never far away as there is always the chance of an easy hunt on a newly born or young Wildebeest, Zebra or even a Gazelle. This is the prime time for a safari in the Serengeti.

During the months of April or early May the migration is due to be in the south-western region of the Serengeti. At this time the area is extremely wet with many roads being impassable, these 2 months is not recommended for Migration viewing

However, afterwards, June and July are generally a perfect time to catch the wildlife migrating along the Western Corridor, slowly heading northwards. And come August the Migration is right in the north, heading in to Kenya.

Month To Month Movement Of Animals During The Wildebeest Migration: –

Rains comes to an end and the herds start migrating northward, crossing the Grumeti River, where many wildebeest and zebra lose their lives every year, but provide a yearly feast for the huge crocodiles who wait at the popular crossing points. This is a popular time for sighting the large cats. July /August All going on schedule, the migration should now be in the northern Serengeti crossing over to Kenya’s Masai Mara.

Regarded as the best months to see the River Crossing on the Mara River from Masai Mara, offering fantastic photographic opportunities.

The migration should now be in Kenya’s Masai Mara Nature Reserve just across the northern border from the Serengeti National Park. This is the best said to be the best time to visit Masai Mara.

The time when Maasai Mara Nature Reserve having plentiful supplies of water and good grazing, hence a popular month to view the great herds in the Masai Mara.

If the short rains come this month, the migrating herds of Wildebeest, Zebra and Gazelle will start to head southwards, out of the Masai Mara National Reserve, crossing Kenya’s border into Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.

Book the Great Wildebeest Migration

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